DirectOutput framework for virtual pinball cabinets WIP
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RGBAToy.cs File Reference

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class  DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Layer.RGBAToy
 Thie RGBAToy controls RGB leds and other gadgets displaying RGB colors.

The RGBAToy has multilayer support with alpha channels. This allows the effects targeting RGBAToys to send their data to different layers. Values in a layer do also have a alpha/transparency channel which will allow us to blend the colors/values in the various layers (e.g. if a bottom layer is blue and top is a semi transparent red, you will get some mix of both or if one of the two blinks you get changing colors).
The following picture might give you a clearer idea how the layers with their alpha channels work: More...


package  DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Layer
 Namespace for objects dealing with layers