DirectOutput framework for virtual pinball cabinets WIP
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DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase:
DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase DirectOutput.Cab.Out.IOutputController DirectOutput.Cab.Out.ISupportsSetValues DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem DirectOutput.Cab.Out.IOutputController DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem DirectOutput.Cab.Out.PS.Pinscape

Protected Member Functions

override int GetNumberOfConfiguredOutputs ()
 This method must return the number of configured outputs. The method is used internaly to determine the number of output objects which have to be setup. Return a fixed value for output controllers which have a fixed number of outputs. Return the value of a configurable property for controllers with a defineable number of outputs. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase
void SetupOutputs ()
 Manages to output object of the output controller. Use the GetNumberOfConfiguredOutputs() method to determine the number of outputs to be setup. More...
override void AfterNameChange (string OldName, string NewName)
abstract bool VerifySettings ()
 Verifies the settings of the output controller. More...
abstract void UpdateOutputs (byte[] OutputValues)
 This method is called whenever new data has to be sent to the output controller. Implement the communication with your hereware in this method. More...
abstract void ConnectToController ()
 This method is called when DOF wants to connect to the controller. Implement your own logic to connect to the controller here. More...
abstract void DisconnectFromController ()
 This method is called when DOF wants to disconnect from the controller. Implement your own logic to disconnect from the controller here. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase
virtual void BeforeNameChange (string OldName, string NewName)
virtual void OnPropertyChanged (string propertyName)
virtual void OnPropertyChanging (string propertyName)


int NumberOfOutputs [get, set]
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase
OutputList Outputs [get, set]
 Contains the OutputList object for the outputs of the output controller.
bool UpdaterThreadIsActive [get]
 Indicates whether the UpdaterThread is active or not. More...
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase
string Name [get, set]
 Name of the named item.
Triggers BeforeNameChange before a new Name is set.
Triggers AfterNameChanged after a new name has been set. More...
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem
string Name [get, set]
 Gets or sets the name of the item.
Must fire the BeforeNameChange and AfterNameChange events when the value of the property is changed. More...
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.Cab.Out.IOutputController
new string Name [get, set]
 Name of the IOutputController. This property is fully implemented in the abstract OutputControllerBase class. More...
OutputList Outputs [get, set]
 OutputList containing the IOutput objects for a IOutputController. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase
void SetValues (int FirstOutput, byte[] Values)
 Sets the values for one or several outputs of the controller. More...
virtual void Init (Cabinet Cabinet)
 Initializes the output controller and starts the updater thread. More...
virtual void Finish ()
 Finishes the output controller and stop the updater thread. More...
void Update ()
 Triggers the update of the physical outputs More...
- Events inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsAfterNameChanged
 Event is fired after the value of the property Name has changed. More...
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsBeforeNameChanged
 Event is fired before the value of the property Name is changed. More...
PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged
PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging
- Events inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsBeforeNameChanged
 Occurs before the name of the item changes. More...
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsAfterNameChanged
 Occurs when after the name of the item has changed. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 8 of file OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase.cs.

Member Function Documentation

override int DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase.GetNumberOfConfiguredOutputs ( )

This method must return the number of configured outputs. The method is used internaly to determine the number of output objects which have to be setup. Return a fixed value for output controllers which have a fixed number of outputs. Return the value of a configurable property for controllers with a defineable number of outputs.

The number of outputs to be configured.

Implements DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerCompleteBase.

Definition at line 24 of file OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase.cs.

Property Documentation

int DirectOutput.Cab.Out.OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase.NumberOfOutputs

Definition at line 14 of file OutputControllerFlexCompleteBase.cs.

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