DirectOutput framework for virtual pinball cabinets WIP
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DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyBaseUpdatable Class Referenceabstract

Base class for toys which need update calls to update the state of their assigned outputs.
Toys which are directly updating their outputs when their state changes dont need to implement this method and should use the ToyBase class instead.. More...

Inheritance diagram for DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyBaseUpdatable:
DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyBase DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.IToyUpdatable DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.IToy DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.IToy DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.LedStrip DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Layer.AnalogAlphaToy DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Layer.RGBAToy DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Virtual.ToyGroupBase< MatrixElementType > DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.Lamp DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.Motor DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.RGBLed DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.GearMotor DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.Hardware.Shaker

Public Member Functions

abstract void UpdateOutputs ()
 Toys implementing this method, should use it to update their assosiated outputs. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyBase
abstract void Init (Cabinet Cabinet)
 Must initialize the IToy. Method must be overwritten. More...
abstract void Reset ()
 Must reset the state of the IToy to its default state (off). Method must be overwritten. More...
virtual void Finish ()
 Must finish the IToy, do all necessary clean up work and reset to IToy to its default state (off). Method is virtual and can be overwritten. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase
virtual void AfterNameChange (string OldName, string NewName)
virtual void BeforeNameChange (string OldName, string NewName)
virtual void OnPropertyChanged (string propertyName)
virtual void OnPropertyChanging (string propertyName)
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase
string Name [get, set]
 Name of the named item.
Triggers BeforeNameChange before a new Name is set.
Triggers AfterNameChanged after a new name has been set. More...
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem
string Name [get, set]
 Gets or sets the name of the item.
Must fire the BeforeNameChange and AfterNameChange events when the value of the property is changed. More...
- Properties inherited from DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.IToy
new string Name [get, set]
 Gets or sets the Name of the IToy. More...
- Events inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.NamedItemBase
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsAfterNameChanged
 Event is fired after the value of the property Name has changed. More...
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsBeforeNameChanged
 Event is fired before the value of the property Name is changed. More...
PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged
PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging
- Events inherited from DirectOutput.General.Generic.INamedItem
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsBeforeNameChanged
 Occurs before the name of the item changes. More...
EventHandler< NameChangeEventArgsAfterNameChanged
 Occurs when after the name of the item has changed. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for toys which need update calls to update the state of their assigned outputs.
Toys which are directly updating their outputs when their state changes dont need to implement this method and should use the ToyBase class instead..

Definition at line 15 of file ToyBaseUpdatable.cs.

Member Function Documentation

abstract void DirectOutput.Cab.Toys.ToyBaseUpdatable.UpdateOutputs ( )
pure virtual

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